Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Butterfly Effect and the Chaos Theory

Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart Director: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber

This is a movie I really loved and that those of you who like spychological thrillers, should see.

The title first sounds cheesy, and would make one think it is a so called "chick flick".
Well, YOU are WRONG! This movie is NOT about little butterflies flying around or that feeling people talk about when there are in love.

The movie introduces a real concept of life and destiny known as the Chaos theory.

“Chaos theory is a branch of science that attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. A common example of this is known as the “Butterfly Effect”.
It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly's wings in China could, in fact, affect weather patterns, thousands of miles away in New York City. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurrence can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events”. [DVD The butterfly Effect, the director’s cut]

Our daily life is build through choice making. Some of these choices are good while others are bad. Most of the time, we don’t really pay attention to them. We make choices and actions but we don’t realize how just the tiniest decision may indeed affect the rest of our life or the world around us. However, we rely on destiny, fate or luck to deny the responsibilities implied with those actions.
Have you ever wished you could change the past or even delete it? Are you familiar with the “What If…” question? Would my life be different had I /had I not said or done this or that? These kinds of thoughts tend to haunt us whenever we face a hard time in our life.

The butterfly effect(2004):
In this movie directed by Eric Bress and J.Mackye Gruber, the main character, Evan Treborn (Ashton Kutcher) has lost some crucial moments of his life. His childhood was disturbed by a series of terrifying events he just can’t remember. Because of this, his mother decides to move away, losing his best friend Kayleigh (Amy Smart).
Years later, after Kayleigh committed suicide, Evan realizes he is able to unlock the past and travel back in time as he reads the pages of his diary. At that moment, he decides to take a chance and tries to change the past. In this bold attempt he hopes to save the people he loves even though this may lead to the destruction of everything he knows. His recently discovered ability allows him to reclaim the missing parts of his memory by tampering with the past. Unfortunately the outcome is just as disastrous. In fact, whenever he changes any of his action in the past, the result gets even worse for him or his friends. He discovers that there is no such a thing as a happy ending. ( source: imdb, trailer available)
Directors and screenwriters Eric Bress and J.Mackye Gruber, came up with an original idea with this drama-thriller, by using time traveling to show that every change even small causes another thing to change. The movie also treats wisely some sensitive topics such as, pedophilia, child violence, paramedic (wheelchair)… The movie is very psychological and quite complex at times because Evan’s alteration of the past makes the initial storyline ambiguous. The cast was excellent and actors made their characters believable to render every time traveling process. Ashton Kutcher pulled it off and took us away from his usual comedy roles (‘just married’, ‘that 70show...’). [DVD The butterfly Effect, the director’s cut]
Some will argue the end to be disappointing, yet the Butterfly Effect leaves the audience breathless with its approach of the concept of Chaos Theory, and its amazing soundtrack helps build tension. It is so far one of my favorite movies.

E. Bress & J.M. Gruber 2004, The Butterfly effect (Director's Cut) New Line Cinema. imdb website available at

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